How to do Shoe Leather Dyeing Professionally

How to do Shoe Leather Dyeing Professionally

Leather Dyeing: Applying a colored pigment combined with a base (often alcohol, oil, or water) to leather fibers changes the leather's apparent hue. Some colors reach the fibers of the leather rather deeply. Leather paints are among those that stay nearer the surface. Learning how to dye leather properly takes a lot of trial and error. But it can surely be learned with effort and persistence. In contrast to color dye or shoe paint, the leather dye penetrates the leather's surface to permanently stain it, providing a richly colored surface while keeping the surface's qualities. In leather dyeing, dye may be used to completely revive & renew the present color of leather products or to change the color of leather objects (from light to dark).

It may be both quite entertaining and very beneficial to paint your shoes. You may paint a pair of brown shoes you seldom ever wear black, so they match a great outfit. Anything is feasible, including painting a pair of leather sneakers a different color or adding color to your fading brown shoes. You could even want to attempt to apply the ideal color of paint on your shoes. It will always feel like making a fresh pair of shoes.

Leather Dyeing: Let's Learn 

You should begin by using a leather preparer. This is used to clean leather completely. The product is frequently applied first to make leather paint adhere better to the shoe's surface. The best method to prepare leather is using this lubricant. 

While natural veg tan shouldn't require a coating as most other completed leathers do, doing so will ensure that the item you are dyeing is free of any oils or dust that can affect the dye saturation. To allow the dye to penetrate the leather, you must first deglaze any already finished leather. 

Natural materials with a wide range of compositions include leather, varying in porosity and fiber composition. The results of a specific dye will not necessarily be consistent across different leathers. There are several frequently used variations of leather hues. The features and effectiveness of each type of leather dye vary, and leather artisans use them in various applications. No matter what kind of colors you use, the coat will only get darker, and it isn't easy to make black leather lighter.

Making the Leather Dye-Ready

Get all of your brushes and cotton cloths ready first. You must choose the brushes you require. We advise purchasing a smaller brush for the details and a wider brush for uniform dispersion of the dye on the major parts if your shoes have a lot of minor features.  

Leather skins are given several protective surface treatments during the tanning process. You could have used conditioners and protectors during the project's lifespan, and dirt has undoubtedly gathered on the leather's surface. Before any dye job, all of this must be removed. After doing this, you will have a clean surface and the necessary conditions for the dye to adhere to the leather properly.

For this, Angelus Paint Leather Preparer and Deglazer from Caffeys is the ideal product. The Preparer & Deglazer was created especially for deeply cleaning leather, whether it is new or old. Mud, grease, and other contaminants must be removed to keep the paint from breaking or splitting. It's crucial to give this work considerable time. Half the battle is already won with good planning. The leather is prepared for leather dyeing after being washed with a deglazer. There are several different application methods available. The choice of a technique is typically based on personal preference and, occasionally, the intended appearance of the finished product.

Use a wet cloth or sponge to apply this. If you want to avoid the color from the cloth spreading to your craft and hands, use a white rag. It's preferable to use an old white t-shirt. You'll see that some of the color and the finish have been eliminated.

Putting the Dye on

After cleaning and preparing the leather, as previously advised, you must ensure that the dye is thoroughly mixed before using. Try shaking and flipping the bottle over down. To release the pigment in the bottle's bottom, you might need to give it a small stir with a stick. While a cloth can be used to apply, a sponge brush works best. Using a spray pistol or airbrush to paint big surfaces uniformly is an alternative technique. Use a single-direction brush to smear on a thin layer. If necessary, a second thin layer of dye may be added. Be sure to rub against the grain. 

With any method of leather dyeing, it's often better to apply the color in thin, uniform coatings. This makes it possible to apply the coating evenly and consistently over the leather item. Since the color has been applied in layers, growing a little bit darker each time, it will also allow for more subtle differences in the final color decision. After each application, it is advised to wait until the color has dried completely before adding another coat.

Here's a quick tip. When using a sponge brush, if air bubbles start to develop on the surface, softly blow on them, and they should explode. Avoid using a wool dauber or a shearling since they tend to keep the pigments back. Dry completely in between coats. Try a coat of white first if you want a lighter hue. Apply a coat of black for a deeper tint. Leather and other types of vinyl can be colored differently. It is preferable to do a test initially in a limited region. 

Adding a Top Coat to Complete 

It is advised that you finish the job with a top coat once the first two procedures have been completed and the dye has dried fully. With our pigment dyes, it's not always essential, but with the solvent-based dye, it is.


Great! You're done; the leather has been cleaned, colored, and finished. You can tidy up once the finish has dry. As much as possible, reuse and recycle your materials, and dispose of any additional waste items properly. Any items that could be useful for future leather coloring should be saved. When everything is tidy, you may unwind and relish your freshly colored leather item.

Every skilled leather worker should have a basic understanding of how to dye leather and apply finishes to the surface since it may help them make outstanding pieces that look fantastic. However, successful dyeing requires a lot of trial and error. Don't be scared to make mistakes when learning anything new. This article's instructions will assist you in learning some fundamental leather coloring techniques.

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